Friday, May 20, 2011


I have been online discussing RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES  for about 10 years now with people who have RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE like I do. In my search, I have found many interesting things. But, I'll have to charge you for you to know them. LOL (private joke between friends)......

I first found out about my blood by my mother telling stories of my father being awakened in the night so he could go give blood. Weird. Then she tells me I have the most rare blood. Weird, and False. I have O Negative, the universal donor. O is the most common blood type in the world, but the fact that I have RH NEGATIVE blood is what makes it unusual. Meaning, I am do not have a covering over my blood that RH POSITIVE BLOOD TYPES have on their blood cell. I am negative, without the covering over my blood cell. The rarest blood type amongst the A, B, O blood groupings is AB RH NEGATIVE. Being the Universal Donor, is why they needed my father, he and I can give blood to anyone. However, we can only take from our own type. No one knows the origin of RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES. Many theories abound, esp. on the internet!

As a beginner googler online, I found all the information on RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES fascinating. I must have googled for about a week straight when I found a site to join. The lady who ran it was very welcoming. It was a Yahoo chat group, where people would post info and exchange theories and ideas about our blood types. The group was geared toward RH NEGATIVE blood types and the lady running it was RH O NEGATIVE, like me.

One of the most stunning discoveries I found was that women who have RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES have an issue with pregnancy that women with RH POSITVE BLOOD TYPES do not have. A pregnant woman with one of the RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES needs to take some precautions. RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES INCLUDE: A- (A NEGATIVE), B- (B NEGATIVE), O- (O NEGATIVE) AB-(AB NEGATIVE). If you are within the age of conception, you must know your blood type. Ages 12-? Should know their own blood type. If you are one of the named blood types and able to get pregnant, please read on........Link to more info concerning RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE AND PREGNANCY

After years of pondering, studying, researching, guessing...and just being amazed by it all, I have come to some strong conclusions on the subject. I will continue to blog what I feel in further posts.

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